New Beginnings

What is it about a new beginning or fresh start that makes us so happy? Is it the ability to try something new or have a different experience?  Or the idea that something has come to an end and a door can be opened with wonderful new possibilities ?  Whatever it is, we know that a new beginning brings some sort of change to our life. It could be a new job, a new place to live, a new relationship, or a brand new perspective of how we view the world.  New beginnings give us hope.  Hope that a dream we have is within reach - hope that we can apply what we have learned from a past experience, or that we can just start over with a clean slate. And not all new beginnings have to be big. We can make small new beginnings every day with the choices we make.  From what we decide to feed our mind and body to how we choose to show up at work, home, and for ourselves.  We make a choice each day to be happy or angry – and we choose the actions we are willing to take to bring about the desires and outcomes we want in our lives. Even a choice to do nothing is still a choice.  Every day we get an opportunity to choose what we will do and how we will respond to circumstances and the situations that life presents. 

The end of one year and beginning of a new year for many brings about a time for reflection.  We reflect on what went well, what we did or did not accomplish and then we begin planning for what we will do differently in the following year.  But what if yearend reflection was something we did every day?  What if we approached each day from the perspective of how can I make tomorrow better than yesterday?  What if every day was looked at as a gift? A gift that was packaged with a new beginning inside for you to open and do something with?  How would you use your gift? 

We have an incredible ability to bring about new beginnings in our lives at any moment. Through making a conscious decision about what we want to be different, committing to actions that will move us in the direction we want, and putting forth the effort to bring about the change we desire.  We have already been equipped with the most powerful tool we need to make our dreams come true – our mind! Our minds manifest our deepest thoughts and dreams – and what we allow to manifest in our minds shapes and  influences what we do, how we do it – and our willingness to do it.  A new beginning is possible whenever you are open to allowing a change to start inside of you.  You don’t have to wait for something external to happen like a new year, new job, or a new relationship, you can simply begin with you.  Now, when do you want to start your new beginning?


How Do You Show Up?


Stepping Into Your Power, Passion, and Purpose