New Hire On-Boarding

New hire on-boarding is designed to help new employees understand the company they have joined and culture, how their position fits in with the organization, company policies and procedures, their new job and performance expectations. It is also a way to make new team members feel welcomed and excited about their new role, and reinforce the reason they have chosen to join your organization. Developing an on-boarding process and creating a positive experience for your new hires is one of the most effective things an employer can do to get their new employees off to a great start!

Talented job seekers have lots of options and receive multiple offers, so making a decision to join your organization should not be taken lightly. Once a candidate accepts your offer, it is crucial that you, as the employer, continue building a positive relationship with the new hire during the weeks or days leading up to the new hire's start date. This enhances the likelihood of retaining the talent you worked so hard to attract and hire. Below are a few tips for creating a positive on-boarding experience for your new team members:

  • After the candidate accepts and receives their offer letter, keep the positive energy flowing.Send an email to congratulate the new hire on their new position and welcome them to the team.

  • Begin preparing for the new employee’s arrival.Communicate the start date of the new employee to all parties involved in the on-boarding process and make sure all tasks are completed prior to the new hire’s start date.For example, make sure usernames and passwords are created, and their work station is set up with basic office supplies and company paraphernalia.

  • Develop a training schedule for the new employee’s first day or first week if possible, and send any relevant material to the new employee to review in advance.

  • Plan to take the new hire to lunch on their first day and spend time getting to know them on a personal level.Assign a “buddy” to the new team member who can serve as a resource for information or asking questions the new hire may not feel comfortable asking their direct manager or supervisor.

  • Provide the new team member with a tour of the office on their first day and introduce them to their new colleagues.

  • Allow time for the employee to complete new hire paperwork, tax forms, and review benefits information on their first day.This can be an on-line process or in person with a member from human resources.If the new employee will attend a formal orientation program, inform or remind the new hire of the date and location.

  • Provide reference materials to the new employee, such as organizational charts, standard company email signature, voicemail instructions and other important company protocol.

  • Schedule a 30, 60 and 90 day check-in with the new employee.Ask for feedback.Many studies have shown that new employees decide if they plan to stay or eventually leave an organization within their first 90 days of employment.

  • Continue to check in with the new employee and ask questions. Be accessible!

A good employment practice is to go back and solicit feedback from previous new hires. Ask them about their experience. What did we do well? What could be improved? What suggestions do you have? Your current employees will appreciate you asking for their input and your new employees will benefit from their experience.


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